How to install Virtualbox on OpenSUSE 12.2
This tutorial is going to show you how to install Virtualbox on OpenSUSE 12.2. Installing Virtualbox on OpenSUSE is quite straight forward. Oracle developer already provided the binary installation file of Virtualbox for OpenSUSE.
Steps to install Virtualbox on OpenSUSE 12.2
Step 1.Download and add Virtualbox repository to OpenSUSE 12.2
cd /etc/zypp/repos.dwget
zypper search virtualbox
Step 3. Install Virtualbox
When done, you can start using Virtualbox on OpenSUSE 12.2zypper install Virtualbox-4.2
Nice Post! Got some errors:
insserv: script jexec is broken: incomplete LSB comment.
insserv: missing `Required-Stop:' entry: please add even if empty.
....bunch repeated..
Ended with:
No precompiled module for this kernel found -- trying to build one. Messages
emitted during module compilation will be logged to /var/log/vbox-install.log.
Stopping VirtualBox kernel modules..done
Uninstalling old VirtualBox DKMS kernel modules..done
Trying to register the VirtualBox kernel modules using DKMS..failed
(Failed, trying without DKMS)
Recompiling VirtualBox kernel modules..done
Starting VirtualBox kernel modules..done
redirecting to systemctl
redirecting to systemctl
redirecting to systemctl
But it seems to work though I have yet to create a VM. Also it said it created vboxusers but it does not appear in Yast.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response. . . 200 OK
Length: 259 [text/plain]
virtualbox.repo: permission denied
Cannot write to 'virtualbox.repo' (Permission Denied)
Why am i being denied? I am a total noob!
Here's the steps for installing virtualbox for opensuse 12.2
Step 1: Go to this website
Step 2: Download i386 or AMD64
Step 3: When download is completed, right click, select open
Step 4: Click continue, add additional packages, Click continue
Step 5: Go to the start menu, on the top at the search, type in virtual box and you should see Oracle VM Virtual Box
Step 6: Click on Oracle VM Virtual Box and it should be up and running
Good luck...
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