Saturday, September 29, 2012

Configure DHCP Server on OpenSUSE 12.2

| Saturday, September 29, 2012 | 0 comments

Configure DHCP Server on OpenSUSE 12.2 is pretty easy. With a few simple steps, we can turn an OpenSUSE 12.2 into a powerful DHCP server. DHCP server is a server that responsible to lease IP addresses to the clients on a network. 

Steps to Install DHCP Server on OpenSUSE 12.2

1. Open YaST2 and go to Software > Software Management
2. On the Software Management window, change the Filter option into Patterns.
3. Check the DHCP Server and DNS server
4. Click Accept and wait until the installation is finished. 


How to install RPM file on OpenSUSE 12.2


How to install RPM file on OpenSUSE 12.2

This is the common question for a new OpenSUSE users, how can we install RPM on OpenSUSE? There are several ways to install software on OpenSUSE 12.2. We can easily install applications using RPM binary. This tutorial will show you How to install RPM file on OpenSUSE 12.2. 
To install RPM file on OpenSUSE, you can do the following command as root
rpm -ivh filename.rpm
yast2 -i filename.rpm
Those command above will attempt to install the rpm file into the system. We can also use the OpenSUSE software center or package installer to handle the installation of the RPM file. Simply double click the rpm file and select Install. 


5 Reason Why I choose OpenSUSE


5 Reason Why I choose OpenSUSE 

I am a Linux fans and I have been testing many kind of Linux Desktop ranging from Ubuntu, Debian, OpenSUSE, Fedora, Pure OS, Pear Linux, and some others. But personally, I prefer OpenSUSE as my  favorite Linux desktop for my daily usage. Here I have 5 Reason Why I choose OpenSUSE as my Linux desktop

1. OpenSUSE is Stable and Powerful

I think no one argue that OpenSUSE is one of the most stable Linux distribution out there. OpenSUSE that is developed based on the Enterprise version of SUSE Linux (SLES) that has been used by thousands companies and enterprises. 

2. OpenSUSE is easy to use

It is useless if a Linux distribution is powerful but hard to be used. OpenSUSE has both features, powerful and easy to use. So what else I am looking for?

3. Better hardware supports

Not like many other Linux distributions, OpenSUSE has a huge hardware database to ensure it will detects and automatically enable your hardware including VGA card, Sound Card, processor, motherboard and many others. It also supports various brands i.e: ASUS, Gigabyte, HP, Canon and many more.

4. OpenSUSE is Beautiful

OpenSUSE comes with the latest desktop manager which includes most recent graphical interface. It promises better user experiences with several desktop effects included. So, OpenSUSE is a powerful yet beautiful Linux. 

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